Permit/Authorization | Date Obtained | Complete |
Presidential Finding Concerning Alaska Natural Gas – President Reagan | 1/12/1988 | ✔ |
BLM Right-of-Way – Grant Offer | 1/1/2021 | ✔ |
BLM Right-of-Way Record of Decision | 7/23/2020 | ✔ |
Cultural Resources Management Plan | 6/24/2021 | ✔ |
DOD Letter of Non-Objection | 3/10/2020 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3554 (Free Trade) | 11/21/2014 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3643 (Non-Free Trade) Conditional | 5/28/2015 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3643-A (Non-Free Trade) | 8/20/2020 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3643-B (Non-Free Trade) Rehearing | 4/15/2021 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3643-C (Non-Free Trade) Affirming and Amending | 4/13/2023 | ✔ |
DOE Natural Gas Export Order No. 3643-D (Non-Free Trade) Denying Rehearing | 6/14/2023 | ✔ |
EPA Section 401 Water Quality Certification | 6/22/2020 | ✔ |
FAA Determinations GTP | 4/19/2018 | ✔ |
FAA Determinations LNG | 12/8/2017 | ✔ |
FERC Final Environmental Impact Statement | 3/6/2020 | ✔ |
FERC Order Granting Authorization under Section 3 of the Natural Gas Act 1 | 5/21/2020 | ✔ |
FERC Programmatic Agreement – Cultural Resources | 6/24/2020 | ✔ |
NMFS Biological Opinion AKRO-2018-01319 | 6/3/2020 | ✔ |
NMFS Cook Inlet Marine Mammals (whales/seals) Incidental Take Rule | 8/17/2020 | ✔ |
NMFS Cook Inlet Marine Mammals (whales/seals) Letter of Authorization | 9/15/2020 | ✔ |
NMFS Prudhoe Bay Incidental Harassment Authorization Marine Mammals (whales/seals) | 2/16/2021 | Reissuance Pending |
NPS Right-of-Way Permit | 1/5/2021 | ✔ |
NPS Right-of-Way Record of Decision, DNPP | 7/23/2020 | ✔ |
PHMSA Siting Letter of Determination and Analysis – Liquefaction Facility | 2/4/2020 | ✔ |
PHMSA Special Permit – Crack Arrestor Spacing | 9/9/2019 | ✔ |
PHMSA Special Permit – Mainline Block Valve Spacing | 9/9/2019 | ✔ |
PHMSA Special Permit – Pipe-in-Pipe | 4/27/2020 | ✔ |
PHMSA Special Permit – Strain-Based Design | 9/9/2019 | ✔ |
PHMSA Special Permit – Three‐Layer Polyethylene Coating | 9/9/2019 | ✔ |
USACE Record of Decision Section 404 Wetlands Permit | 6/24/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Bridge Permit – Deshka River | 9/11/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Bridge Permit – East Fork Chulitna | 9/11/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Bridge Permit – Middle Fork Chulitna | 9/11/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Bridge Permit – Sag | 9/11/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Bridge Permit – Tolovana | 9/11/2020 | ✔ |
USCG Letter of Recommendation Regarding the Waterway Suitability Assessment | 8/17/2016 | ✔ |
USCG Waterway Suitability Assessment | 3/18/2016 | ✔ |
USFWS Biological Opinion | 6/17/2020 | ✔ |
USFWS Cook Inlet Incidental Take Rule Marine Mammals (sea otters) | 8/1/2019 | No longer needed |
USFWS Eagle Take Permit | 6/23/2020 | ✔ |
USFWS Incidental Take Rule Marine Mammals (polar bear) | 8/5/2021 | ✔ |
The Alaska LNG Project is permitted as an integrated project and has completed a full review under the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) as the Lead Agency. The major permitting process was initiated in 2014 and was competed with all required Federal permits in 2020. Renewals and extensions are being obtained, as needed. The Federal Infrastructure Projects Permitting Dashboard is an online tool for Federal agencies, project developers, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government’s environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects, part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability. A major function of this Dashboard is to track infrastructure projects designated as Covered Projects under Title 41 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST-41). As a major U.S. energy infrastructure project, the Alaska LNG Project was tracked on the Dashboard through the Federal permitting process. Please see a link to the Alaska LNG Project FAST-41 Dashboard below and additional information on Federal permits. |
- Downloadable list of Alaska LNG Federal Permits and Authorizations
- Alaska LNG Project FAST-41 Dashboard