Alaska LNG will use clean, energy-efficient, and safe production methods to deliver a stable supply of natural gas for commercialization and for in-state distribution. The project, being developed by the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation, is expected to deliver from the North Slope gas fields on average about 3.5 billion cubic feet of gas per day, much of it for international markets. Alaskans will gain a long-term and affordable source of natural gas for home heating, power generation, and industrial needs.The Prudhoe Bay and Point Thomson fields anchor the project on the North Slope. These fields will produce, on average, about 3.5 billion cubic feet of gas per day with approximately 75 percent from the Prudhoe Bay field and 25 percent from the Point Thomson field.
This integrated natural gas project is one of the most important projects being built in the United States. It is Alaska’s priority project and has been widely studied by stakeholders, federal agencies, and state regulators.